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Parishioner Resources


2024-2025 CCD Calendar

Ministry Schedule

November 2024


Baptism Information Sheet

Requirements for Godparents

1. A person who is to be baptized is to have a godparent.  While it has become a tradition to have two godparents at Baptism, having only one godparent is acceptable.  No more than two godparents are permitted, however, and the two godparents may not be the same gender.  (Code of Canon Law, Can. 873)


2. A godparent must have completed the sixteenth year of age. (CCL, Can. 874 §1, 2°)


3. The godparent/s must have already received the Sacraments of Confirmation and Holy Eucharist. (CCL, Can. 874 §1, 3°)


4. The godparent/s must be practicing Catholics.  They must be able to obtain a letter from their pastor verifying that they are practicing their faith.  The letter must be sent to the pastor of the parish where the child is to be baptized.  (CCL, Can. 874 §1, 4°)


5. Non-Catholics can be official witnesses, but he or she will not be recorded as an official godparent.  If there is a non-Catholic witness, he or she must be paired with a Catholic godparent who practices the faith.  Non-baptized people cannot serve as godparents or as official witnesses.  (CCL, Can. 874 §2)


6. Parents are not allowed to be godparents for their own children. (CCL, Can. 874 §1, 5°)


7. A priest or deacon may be a godfather as long as they are not the one performing the baptism. 


8. It is possible for someone to be a godparent by proxy.  E.g. someone in the military stationed overseas.


Diocesan policy requires couples to contact their parish priest at least six months prior the proposed marriage date.


For information about the annulment process, visit the tribunal website:


To begin the annulment process or get more information, contact Fr. Snitily.

Holy Trinity College Scholarship

Holy Trinity Scholarship Application

Knights of Columbus Scholarship Application

Klein Center Rental

For information or reservations, please call Irene at 402-545-2352


PCCW officers are: Sandy Bongers, president; Deb Pleskac vice-president; Ashley Kriz, secretary, and Andrea Svoboda, treasurer.

Knights of Columbus

Knights of Columbus officers: Bill Janak, Steve Rezac, Vern Dvorak.


For information regarding the new or old Holy Trinity Cemeteries, please call the rectory at 402-545-2691.
For information regarding St. Luke's cemetery in Loma, please contact Jerome at 402-545-2263.


Holy Trinity Catholic Church

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108 E. Brainard St.

Brainard, NE 68626


Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 39

Brainard, NE 68626

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